
This article will introduce the application model and make it work without a vDOM, using only component local state and the valerie framework. This is the second in a series which starts here.

The code for this example is here: valerie/tree/state-feature/examples/tictactoe

Valerie under the hood§ 

Valerie defines a Node struct which implements a tree of references to DOM elements, augmented with the additional information needed for owned attributes and callbacks.

The philosophy is all Arc<Mutex<...>> all the time which is great for threading but, I suspect, needs some serious thinking and testing to ensure that there aren't latent data races waiting in hiding. This work may have been done.

Events are communicated using channels provided by the futures_intrusive crate. This crate is sophisticated and complete, lock_api aware, and valerie mostly makes use of one key part: state_broadcast_channel.

There is a simple DOM builder macro - no RSX yet.

Setting up a game§ 

This sets up the main DOM and parallel data structure and inserts it into the body element.

pub fn run() {

fn game() -> Node {

The most important function call is to board() and the rest of the divs just mirror the React tutorial structure, but aren't used.

Board with component local state§ 

Valerie uses a bundle of State* structs which are mutable and, in turn, propagate their changes through channels. These are very similar to Redux state containers.

We can use generics to pass specific types through these channels. The specific types are the Model of our application, playing to Rust's strength as a strongly-typed language.

The game board is an array of nine squares which can be in one of a defined set of states, modelled as an enumerated type called Square.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Square {

fn board() -> Node {
    let squares: [StateAtomic<Square>; 9] = [
        // Can't use array init shorthand because StateAtomic is not Copy

We need some other state to manage the game - whether the game is being played or has been won, and the player whose turn is next.

    let status = StateAtomic::new(Status::Playing);
    let next_player = StateAtomic::new(Square::X);

Status is another simple enum.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Status {

Each square will spawn an instance of an async function which will listen for clicks on the receiver end of its channel. We also pass clones of the game state so that the function can control the game.

    for square in &squares {
        execute(turn_checker(squares.to_vec(), square.rx(), next_player.clone(), status.clone()));

The DOM for the board is straight-forward. The status and next_player can be displayed by simply cloning the StateAtomic instance inline into the DOM. Changes through the transmitter are applied to the DOM element automatically. The DOM for each square is delegated to a square function.

            square(squares[0].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone()),
            square(squares[1].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone()),
            square(squares[2].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone())
            square(squares[3].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone()),
            square(squares[4].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone()),
            square(squares[5].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone())
            square(squares[6].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone()),
            square(squares[7].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone()),
            square(squares[8].clone(), status.clone(), next_player.clone())

The square is simple - each is a button of class "square". When clicked, a closure runs which changes the squares's state if the square is empty and the game is still being played. We just read the clones of the StateAtomics with value(). Changing the square's state with put(...) will send the value to the StateAtomic and all the cloned receivers, including the one we passed to the turn_checker.

fn square(state: StateAtomic<Square>, status: StateAtomic<Status>, next_player: StateAtomic<Square>) -> Node {
        .on_event("click", (), move |_, _| {
            if status.value() == Status::Playing && state.value() == Square::Empty {

Types can be rendered into the HTML element if they implement Display. Since the next player is not rotated when we win, we just change the prompt to show the next player or who won (ok ok).

impl Display for Square {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        let s = match self {
            Square::Empty => "",
            Square::X => "X",
            Square::O => "O",
        write!(f, "{}", s)

impl Display for Status {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        let s = match self {
            Status::Playing => "Next player: ",
            Status::Won => "Winner: ",
        write!(f, "{}", s)

This wraps up the DOM setup.

The turn checker§ 

This is the turn checker. It is an async function which sets up a loop to process each change to a square. We check if there are any complete lines in the clone of the full board sent to the function, and either set the winner, or flip the next player using rotate.

async fn turn_checker(squares: Vec<StateAtomic<Square>>, rx: StateReceiver<Channel>, next_player: StateAtomic<Square>, status: StateAtomic<Status>) {

    fn calculate_winner(squares: &Vec<Square>) -> bool {
        const LINES: [[usize; 3]; 8] = [
            [0, 1, 2],
            [3, 4, 5],
            [6, 7, 8],
            [0, 3, 6],
            [1, 4, 7],
            [2, 5, 8],
            [0, 4, 8],
            [2, 4, 6],
        for [a, b, c] in &LINES {
            let a = squares[*a];
            let b = squares[*b];
            let c = squares[*c];
            if a != Square::Empty && a == b && a == c {
                return true;
        return false;

    let mut old = StateId::new();
    while let Some((new, _)) = rx.receive(old).await {
        let squares: Vec<Square> = squares.iter().map(|s| s.value()).collect();
        if calculate_winner(&squares) {
        } else {
        old = new;

impl Square {
    pub fn rotate(self) -> Self {
        match self {
            Square::X => Square::O,
            Square::O => Square::X,
            _ => self

Valerie does afford us the opportunity to stratify the app according to Model/Model-View/View lines.

What is happening here?§ 

Each instance of board() is using something akin to component local state to create Arc<Mutex<...>> objects which are owned by the main loop Node tree. These objects are connected by associated channel end-points which can be transmitted through during DOM events. An async function can monitor receiver end-points to take higher-level actions.

More importantly though, we are passing around a domain model tightly-defined with Rust enums and impl functions.

We have moved the React tutorial away from a stringly-typed model, significantly improving reliability and maintainability.


Next we are going to look at what it might be like to lift the component-local state in StateAtomic up to App State, and start to see shared data views and the foundations of a back-end.

Take me there.